AuthorAlexandro Sanchez Date2016-08-22
Random observations, questions, and interesting facts that caught my attention. If you can expand or answer any of these, please feel free to contact me.
When observing a blacklight or UV-A light, i.e. one of these blue/purple-ish lamps that make white and fluorescent objects specially bright, my eyes disagree on the perceived light. From my point of view: My left eye shows it blurry, as if it couldn't focus on the light source and with a slightly darker-blue hue. My right eye can focuses correctly on the light source, but perceives it with a slightly brighter-purple color.
Doing fast eye movements while keeping a LED-based white light in my field of view, makes the light be perceived as separate red-green-blue components at different positions. Why does this happen?
When firing small handheld lasers, one can perceive a fine-grained pattern of dots where the beam hits. Any small translation or rotation of the laser diode seem to completely change this pattern. Since involuntary movements are hard to avoid the resulting effect looks like video noise. Why does this happen?
- Suggested by the clathrate gun hypothesis [1], the rise in global temperatures will cause, or is causing, vast amounts of methane gas to be released to the athmosphere. The impact of methane gas is more than 25 times higher than carbon dioxide [2], thus resulting in devastating consequences for the whole planet. The burning methane corresponds to the reaction: CH4 + 2 O2 -> CO2 + 2 H2O. Question: Assuming the chain reaction has already started and is inevitable, why don't we burn the methane deposits under the siberian permafrost?
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clathrate_gun_hypothesis
- https://www3.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/ch4.html